Armpit Entry, or Transaxillary, Breast Augmentation Incision By Patricia Berbari on March 01, 2016

Attractive young brunette in white bikini, reclining on loungerCosmetic surgeons may use one of four standard incisions for breast augmentation surgery: periareolar, inframmary, transumbilical, or transaxillary. In this blog post, Dr. Patricia Berbaridiscusses the transaxillary, also known as armpit or transax, incision, as well as its pros and cons. Many patients prefer the transaxillary incision technique because it results in no scarring on the breasts, and any armpit scarring is discreet. To find out if you are a good candidate for the transaxillary breast augmentation incision, contact our Gatineau, QC practice today.

About the Incision

Saline or silicone implants may be inserted through a transaxillary incision in the fold of the armpit, where scarring is inconspicuous. Saline implants require the smallest incision, because the implants are inflated after being placed. With the transaxillary breast augmentation, a small tunnel is created between the incision and the site of the implant. A pocket is created behind the natural breast, and then the implant is inserted into the tunnel, and moved to the implant pocket, where it is positioned.

Benefits of the Transaxillary Incision

In addition to creating no scar on the breast itself and leaving a very discreet scar in the armpits, the transaxillary incision poses no risk of harm to the mammary glands, which are necessary for breastfeeding. Therefore, this incision is preferable for women who want to have children later in life.

Furthermore, skin in the armpit area tends to heal well, making recovery easy. Because implants placed via transaxillary incision will not contact the mammary glands, which can harbor bacteria, the risk for infection decreases.

Considerations for the Transaxillary Incision

Armpit incisions may require that you not wear deodorant for two weeks after surgery.

In addition, as is true of any surgical procedure, breast augmentation with the transaxillary incision poses some risks. The transaxillary incision can’t be used during implant revision surgery. Therefore, if revision surgery is ever necessary, new incision sites will be made.

Achieving symmetry is more challenging with the transaxillary method. However, when patients choose a skilled and experienced surgeon such as Dr. Berbari, they can still achieve excellent results with transaxillary breast augmentation.

An experienced cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Berbari understands how to avoid the common potential problems associated with transaxillary breast augmentation. These include implants that sit too high, a wider than desired space between the implants, and implants that fall outward when the patient lays on her back. Proper creation of the implant pocket is required to avoid these potential outcomes. The majority of Dr. Berbari’s work involves cosmetic surgeries, primarily breast lifts and augmentation. She has extensive experience and offers procedures for both men and women.

Schedule a Consultation Today

To learn more about the various options for breast augmentation surgery, contact our cosmetic surgery center today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Berbari. After discussing your goals and expectations, and examining your breast structure, she will advise you on the best options for your procedure. In some cases, a breast lift (mastopexy) in combination with breast augmentation will provide the best outcome.

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Centre Chirurgical De La Capitale

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  • Association des spécialistes en chirurgie plastique et esthétique du Québec
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