VASERlipo® Gatineau
Do you have stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to exercise and healthy eating habits? VASERlipo® is a minimally invasive treatment that uses targeted, gentle ultrasound technology to address problem areas in just one session. This innovative procedure creates smoother, more effective results than traditional liposuction, while better protecting surrounding tissues and reducing recovery time and side effects.

Dr. Patricia Berbari offers VASERlipo® to her patients in Gatineau, Ottawa, and surrounding communities. Schedule a consultation with us to undergo an evaluation and learn more about whether this exciting procedure is right for you.
What is VASERlipo®?
VASERlipo® is a unique style of liposuction that offers several distinctive benefits compared to traditional liposuction. VASERlipo® uses ultrasound technology to separate fat cells from one another and from surrounding tissues while keeping them intact. With less tissue damage during treatment, VASERlipo® patients may experience less bruising and soreness than with traditional liposuction.
VASERlipo® can be used to treat problem areas like the abdomen and legs, as well as, delicate areas like the chin and neck. Because it targets only fat cells, delicate and thin tissues in these areas are less likely to become damaged than with other liposuction treatments.
Many of our male patients elect to have VASERlipo® because it is minimally invasive with a shorter recovery time and less pain than some other treatments. Recent reports from South America have shown this treatment to have excellent results with minimal downtime. Patients can return to work in less time, and friends and family are unaware that a patient has even had a surgical procedure.
Because it separates and preserves fat cells, VASERlipo® is the only type of liposuction in which removed fat cells can be re-used for other fat injection treatments, including our popular Brazilian butt lift treatment. For more information on using extracted fat cells for fat injections, contact Dr. Berbari's experienced team.
The Procedure: What to Expect
Before the VASERlipo® probe is inserted into the body, Dr. Berbari will first infuse the treatment area with tumescent fluid. This special fluid is injected directly into the tissue, expanding and numbing it. It also shrinks blood vessels, and minimizes bleeding during the procedure. The VASERlipo® probe is directed into the treatment area through tiny incisions, where it emits ultrasound waves and vibrates at a precise wavelength to target and separate only fat cells. Dr. Berbari then removes these preserved fat cells using a special suctioning device.
Patients usually do not require any pain medication at all following VASERlipo®. Patients will visit Dr. Berbari for a follow-up appointment to ensure their treatment is working effectively and healing properly.
Risks & Complications
Because VASERlipo® is minimally invasive, risks and complications associated with it are extremely rare. To ensure patients obtain optimal results, patients will need to follow Dr. Berbari's aftercare instructions carefully.
During your initial and follow-up consultations, Dr. Berbari will thoroughly discuss the risks and benefits of VASERlipo®. Similar to any cosmetic surgery, it is important that patients have a thorough understanding of what the procedure entails.
Recovery & Aftercare
During recovery, patients will have a three-week period where they will need to consistently wear specialized compression garments on their treatment areas. During this time, they should not participate in any strenuous activity. Full results become visible between three and six months after surgery.
Because it is minimally invasive, VASERlipo® results in minimal discomfort and a relatively short recovery time. Patients can typically return to full physical activity after three weeks with the approval of Dr. Berbari during a follow-up procedure.
Schedule a Consultation
VASERlipo® is a precision liposuction treatment that is an excellent option for patients who have remaining hard-to-lose fatty areas. To learn more about this procedure and our full line of body contouring options, contact us today to schedule an appointment.