A New Technique With SmartLipo™ Laser Liposuction


Dr. Patricia Berbari discusses the SmartLipo™ procedure. She talks about the different sedative options available to patients. She discusses the science behind the procedure.

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Liposuction is not a new procedure, but with the years there are many new technologies that have been added. And I'm very proud to have acquired the Smart Lipo Machine, which is a laser that can help sculpt the body, and give a better look to the parts that you want to correct. So with the Smart Lipo we'll be using the tumescent technique which is not a new technique. It helps numb the skin and then we wait a little bit and we go with the laser cannula. The laser will help melt the fat so we will have liquid fat to suction, and because we are removing liquid fat our liposuction cannulas are much finer so less chances to have wrinkling or uneven skin after the liposuction, because this is a problem that could happen with the traditional liposuction. And we have to come for revisions. So we first melt the fat, and then we change the parameters and the wavelengths on the laser machine, and we go and it's as if we scrape the undersurface of the skin, the dermis. This will help produce more collagen, and tighten the skin. It's not painful, so patients can be under pure local anesthetic, and for other patients we give them sedation, which is drugs through an IV. It's all done in the sterile environment of the operating room, and the patient will be very comfortable when we do it. Some patients will be texting, others will be talking to us, and when patients want to sleep we just put a little bit more medication in the IV. We know that fat cells multiply until the age of 10. So after the age of 10 the body doesn't produce more fat cells. When we suck out all the fat cells if you gain weight it will never go back to the areas that we have treated. And obviously nobody wants to gain weight after having a procedure done, but this is a permanent decrease in volume and sculpting of an area of concern on your body. The other advantage also of the Smart Lipo is that patients can go back to work after two to three days. So the downtime is very, very little.

Dr. Berbari

Centre Chirurgical De La Capitale

Dr. Patricia Berbari offers plastic and cosmetic surgery procedures to treat a variety of conditions. 
Our board-certified plastic surgeon is affiliated with a number of medical societies, including:

  • Collège des médecins du Québec
  • Association des spécialistes en chirurgie plastique et esthétique du Québec
  • Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
  • Canadian Laser and Aesthetic Specialists Society
  • International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

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